My son graduated from middle school, my niece graduated from college, my residents and fellows are graduating in about 2 weeks, and all of our residents passed the Awfully Big Radiology exam last week in Louisville.
In honor of all these graduates, I thought I'd share another batch of medical malaprops. Again, these are courtesy of a good friend who is also my personal mole in the world of medical transcription.
The patient was hypomagnasemic, hypomagnasemic; he had a low magnesium.
Diagnoses include potassiumemanemia.
No evidence of stereoagnosis or graphesthesia in both stereognosis, no evidence of stereoagnosis, graphesthesias, and, or rather graphesthesia or graphesthesia, I should say, in the upper and lower extremities.
The patient was not able to visually see her family member; however, she had on her husband’s glasses, which could explain why she was not able to see.
The uterus was entered in the midline, extended laterally with a Band-Aid.
Hypopharynx and laryngeal exam is entirely normal today and she has absolutely beautiful mucosa.
The patient’s activity prior to the event was over-extending: trying to clean snow in the cold weather.
The patient is wondering whether he might have a personality disorder like a borderline personality disorder.
Her last colonoscopy was in the year 703.
She was voiding satisfactorily upon discharge and was passing grass.
Review of systems was unavoidable due to mental status changes.
The patient may have a subtle torus fracture of the distal radius. The family was contacted. They were placed in a metal splint.
The lesion is essentially necrotic and melodious (malodorous).
X-rays of both knees show moderately severe osteoarthritis with joint space narrowing medially -- mild -- with -- with moderate joint space mediately -- moderate medial joint space me -- - ahh -- narrowing bilaterally.
Chief Complaint: Airway in the foreign body
HPI: The patient is a 62 y/o right-handed gentleman. FAMILY HISTORY: The patient has a 60 y/o twin.
Complications: None from procedures but ultimately, death.
Impression: Fat-containing ventral hernias. Findings discussed with Dr. Hernia.
1 comment:
I'm a medical transcriptionist and could tell most of them were from speech recognition programs. Boy...I could tell you some good ones too!
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