I'm a bit skeptical of this claim, as was the reviewer for the Poop Report. Though this device truly honks , my hands took more like 20 - 25 seconds to dry. In my case, this just meant more time for mischief.
As the air blasted the water off my hands, I noticed that my hand position was similar to the one I used to use for two-hand whistling. With a few conscious positional adjustments, my hands began to howl with loud keening sound. This was fun, so I played with my intonation and tone for a while. Finally, however, I realized that it was giving the willies (so to speak) to a guy at a nearby urinal. So I stopped. For now.
We have five more days in Manhattan. Hopefully I can find another one of these units. If so, The Phantom of the XL-SB will ride again...
Our local airport has the Dyson Airblade dryers, http://www.dysonairblade.com/homepage.asp.
THESE work better than any others I have ever used. If they weren't so darn expensive, I'd get one for my house!
Enjoy New York!
@ Dalai: Coooool!
Hope I run across one soon -- It will be fun to see what kinds of sounds I can get out of one of those monsters.
NY was fun -- I'll look forward to my next visit.
I've seen the Mitsubishi model around, too.
These things work and they don't get water everywhere.
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