Postings may be infrequent here for the next week.
The Samurai Radiologist will head for the Upper North Left for a week of feasting, chest-beating and muted glory at the annual meeting of the Association of University Radiologists.
Academic radiologists of all ilk will huddle together around the fire, tell their tales, perform arcane rituals, swap trade goods and propitiate the gods for another year of adequacy (plenty would be nice, but is pretty unrealistic).
Perhaps some of the tales gathered there will be worthy of retelling here.
Have fun, but watch out for cocktail stickinjuries.
From a look at the meeting schedule, it appears that I and other AUR members are in some danger of this injury -- specifically, at the Thursday evening Space Needle reception.
At a previous incarnation of this meeting, I once saw a conga line of inebriated radiologists winding its way down a party boat -- not a pretty sight.
I will keep my ninja senses on extra alert for both rhythm-impaired radiologists and for incoming cocktail sticks.
Thanks for the timely warning.
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