Overheard from an old friend and colleague one evening at RSNA:
"...there's this crazy guy who blogs about radiology under a pseudonym."Gosh, I thought -- that sounds interesting.
So I asked, "Ummm, what pseudonym would that be?"
"He calls himself the Samurai Radiologist. I've been looking everywhere for a guy wearing video goggles at the meeting. He hasn't shown up at any of the places I've looked."I suppose that Lamont Cranston and the Scarlet Pimpernel agonized over revealing their secret identities to friends. However, I didn't, because I don't have as much at stake as they did.
My pseudonym is just a way of separating my more turgid prose as a university professor from some of the wacky-ass things I feel free to say in this blog. To its credit, the university I work for has much bigger fish to fry, and could probably care less what I say here.
So, with no flash of lightning, no thunderclap, and no swirling cloak, I unmasked myself. Something along the lines of, "Uh, dude -- I'm the Samurai Radiologist. I left the goggles in my hotel room". **
If you see someone looking vaguely pseudonymous at your next radiology meeting, introduce yourself -- it might be me. At worst, it may start an interesting conversation with some other worthy person.
** I did show him the goggles the next day, and he pronounced them very cool.
Just wait until you get "outed"... It never fails to amuse me when I meet someone who reads my blog and they say, "YOU'RE Doctor Dalai????" I guess they were expecting someone better looking...
@ Dalai: Thanks for the note. I'll try to keep expectations low, so that no one will be too disappointed if I do come out of the closet. :)
From an out-in-the-open-blogger-who-happens-to-be-a-radiologist-in-real-life:
Come forth from the shadows, brother :)
@ Vijay: Someday, doubtless, I will. For now, though, it suits me to lurk in the crepuscular gloom. Besides, decloaking would be a great future excuse to throw a party. :)
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